如何评价Taylor Swift?
ve all the magic we made\"
And bring on all the pretenders, I\''m not afraid
Long live all the mountains we moved
I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
I was screaming, \"Long live the look on your face\"
And bring on all the pretenders
One day we will be remembered
第二段副歌更长了,前半部分还是第一段副歌的四句话,并在最后加上了一个坚定的I\''m not afraid。后半部分继续重复着long live这句话,那些我们移过的山、脸上的表情,都希望能够成为永恒。词典里对于move mountains的解释是To achieve spectacular and apparently impossible results,实现壮观和明显不可能的成就。然后众所周知dragon是西方文化里一个邪恶的意象,这个词一出来,就非常有中世纪西方神话,骑士闯关屠龙内味了。副歌里的walls, mountains还有dragons,其实都是暗喻(metaphor),就是指代一路上克服的那些艰难险阻。值得一提的是,在新专辑Midnights里的歌曲Bejeweled的MV的结尾,也出现了Long Live的旋律以及城堡和恶龙。
Hold on to spinning around
Confetti falls to the ground
May these memories break our fall
Will you take a moment?
Promise me this
That you\''ll stand by me forever
But if, God forbid, fate should step in
And force us into a goodbye
If you have children someday
When they point to the pictures
Please tell them my name
Tell them how the crowds went wild
Tell them how I hope they shine
Taylor Swift作为“造桥大师”,Long Live的bridge也是很多人喜欢的一段。与主歌副歌的激昂相比,这首歌的bridge趋于深情。如果说主歌副歌是令人热血沸腾,那么bridge则是感人肺腑。生活每分每秒都在变幻,万事万物都在快速旋转,正如在舞台上旋转着的Taylor。然后confetti是指(在婚礼或美国其他特殊活动中抛撒的)五彩纸屑,是那种体育比赛的决赛颁奖的时候,以及演唱会结束的时候经常出现的东西,常常会和庆祝的场面联系在一起。当然,生活总不是一帆风顺的,而是大起大落落落落落的,break one\''s fall这个短语,意思是to stop sb from falling onto sth hard,“缓和某人的跌势;防止某人跌得很重”,就是说,希望那些辉煌美好的回忆,能在我们陷入低谷之时,依然激励着我们,不让我们一蹶不振坠入深渊。接下来就是整首歌里最深情的几句话,唱到这里速度也放慢了下来。这几句采用了第二人称对话的语气,显得十分真诚。if God forbid fate should step in这句用了should,显然是个forbid的虚拟语气。这几句用了一些想象,即使整个团队有一天各奔东西,也希望大家能记住彼此,回忆起那时候人群多么狂热、众人多么闪耀,这里也呼应了第一段主歌的歌词。
Long live the walls we crashed through
I had the time of my life with you
Long, long live the walls we crashed through
How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
And I was